Video: Coffee & Viz: Developing Graphic Narratives for Building Consensus

The Coastal Dynamics Design Lab (CDDL), housed within NC State’s College of Design, works to address critical ecological and community development challenges in vulnerable coastal regions. As part of providing technical assistance through planning and design processes, an important component of the CDDL’s work involves graphically communicating complex systems, policies, and information to diverse groups of stakeholders.

Clear and concise interpretation of technical data and research findings are necessary to facilitate decision-making, protect natural resources, and build more resilient communities. As such, graphic communication devices must be accessible and easily understood by stakeholders from diverse backgrounds including federal grantors, state agencies, city and town leadership, and the general public.

Travis Klondike and Madalyn Baldwin will present examples of illustrations from some of the CDDL’s recently completed projects and will discuss strategies for creating data-informed graphics for sharing information, building consensus across diverse audiences, and catalyzing tangible outcomes.

This event is part of the NC State University Libraries on-going Coffee & Viz series. Attendees will be entered into a drawing to receive (via mail) their choice of a coffee bag or tea tin and a mug from locally-owned sweet shop Anisette.

This video is a recording of Coffee & Viz: Developing Graphic Narratives for Building Consensus, March 25, 2022

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Video added on March 25, 2022